»Declaration of the Urban rights of young people«

Special Exhibition


14. Jan – 20. Jan2019

Within the framework of the “Er(be)leben” project, young Berliners artistically explored the topic of “heritage” using four historical sites in Berlin-Mitte as examples: Alexanderplatz, Karl-Marx-Allee, Nikolai Quarter and the ruins of the Franciscan monastery church. In various meetings with experts, a “Declaration of Urban Rights of Young People” was developed, which considered their wishes and needs. They were supported by a variety of experts, including Judith Feige, research assistant at the German Institute for Human Rights. The result will be presented on the LED installation, which can be seen during the winter months in the ruins of the Franciscan monastery church.

As a result, the attending youths unanimously want and demand more respect and friendliness among the people of Berlin, better living conditions for homeless people and a clean and waste-free city. Within the framework of the demands and wishes, the young people understand the public space as a space in which they can develop themselves, discover and practice their creativity and dream of a changing structure of coexistence. The declaration is a living document, it is not complete and can be amended at any time.

Er(be)leben — Urbane Rechte junger Menschen Download (Only available in German)