
Historical monument & space for contemporary art


Kate Newby, anything, anything, Klosterruine Berlin 2024, Photo: Robert Hamacher

Klosterruine Berlin, as some of the last remains of the historical origins of the city of Berlin, belong to the most important listed monuments in the city which are open to the public and serve as a cultural venue.

Situated in the contemporary and historic centre of Berlin and directly next to Alexanderplatz, the ruins are considered to be an exceptional monument to medieval architecture. The turbulent history of the ruins, their construction and the diverse roles they have played, reflect the eventful history of the city around them.

Since 2016, artists are invited each year to shine a contemporary light on the old minster, and to open new perspectives on and for the ruins. The different site-specific formats offered by contemporary art tackle the architecture and history of the ruins of the former Franciscan minster, as well as examining contemporary urban planning processes in the area surrounding the minster and the Molkenmarkt.

It is intended that art and educational projects will also take place within the walls in the future. The aim is to ensure that the ruins are used for cultural purposes that do justice to their unique significance for Berlin’s city history.


Artistic Director
Juliane Bischoff

Program Coordination
Alin Daghestani
+49 (0) 30 9018 37462

Dr. Maximilian Krämer
+49 (0) 30 9018 37461


Programs for school groups

In cooperation with the Jugend im Museum e.V. and the Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin, Klosterruine Berlin offers educational programs for school groups.
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