3 Songs for Marie Nejar, performed by Ahya Simone
James Gregory Atkinson
28 Apr 2023 17:00 Free admission

German singer and actress Marie Nejar, stage name “Leila Negra” (b. 1930), Photo: Atelier Manassé
With 3 Songs for Marie Nejar, James Gregory Atkinson investigates music as a space of memory.
Artist James Gregory Atkinson’s work addresses the absence of Afro-German experience within established narratives. Marie Nejar, born in 1930 in Mühlheim an der Ruhr, began performing as a singer under the name Leila Negra at the beginning of the 1950s. Her life was shaped by the racist exclusions of Nazi Germany and its continuities into post-war Germany. Detroit harpist Ahya Simone will interpret songs by Nejar, following Atkinson’s invitation. The performance takes up an expanded conception of archives, in which places, bodies and oral as well as performative practices are understood as historical carriers.

Portrait Ahya Simone. Photo: Franchesca Lamarre

James Gregory Atkinson, Zeitkapsel Transformer (Detail), 2021, photography, documents, transformer, books, various materials, installation view ‘6 Friedberg-Chicago’, Dortmunder Kunstverein. Courtesy the artist, Archiv des Hamburger Instituts für Sozialforschung, Germericans (Sabrina und Marvin Kuhn), Ika Hügel-Marshall, The Lisbet Tellefsen Collection, Tyrown Vincent, Dortmunder Kunstverein. Photo: Roland Baege
supported by Heinrich Böll Stiftung Washington, DC